
Grab a cuppa!

Let’s have a chat!

Music is officially AMAZING!

  • Research has shown time and again that it can heal and connect us.

  • It can alter our moods and make physical challenges more manageable.

  • Singing for 10 minutes a day has also been reported to extend your life!

As an experienced peripatetic double bass teacher and youth orchestra coach, I truly believe that exposing our children to music from an early age is vital and a human right. 

Learning to play a musical instrument can help children

• Build self confidence

• Improve coordination

• Encourage self discipline. 

• With learning other subjects

• Increase memory capacity. 

• Experience team work

• Connect with others out with their regular social circle 

• Communicate

I know this, as I was that kid!

The “Around the World with Bessy” series of books with music was developed to 

  • Plant the seed of curiosity about the wonderful world of music in the minds of our readers.

  • Encourage children to explore the wonderful world of music.

  • Introduce some of the lesser known instruments, right alongside the more popular ones.

  • Encourage, equip and empower children to embark on their own musical journeys.

But why lead from the

Double Bass?

The double bass is an “endangered” musical instrument and yet it is one of the most versatile, as it is needed in practically every kind of ensemble in nearly all genres of music. Yes it is a large piece of equipment (although mini versions are now in regular supply) but there are very few cars it doesn’t fit into and there are always ways round having to transport it all the time. As with most things, a little bit of effort and organisation is required but the rewards are priceless! My hope that having Bessy as the central character in the “Around the World with Bessy” series of books with music for children, might encourage children to want to learn to play double bass, however, my aim is that they find their instrument, whichever one that might be.

How you can make a difference...

By introducing your child to Bessy and friends, YOU will be

• Opening a door for them into the magical world of music.

  • Potentially giving them a head start and enhancing their lives.

  • Playing a very valuable part in saving the future of our orchestras and bands!

"Young or old, you'll learn something new as you follow Bessy Bass on her travels. She engages her audience in a musical journey of rhythm and culture with interactions from even the youngest of spectators." (my son is 4 and still speaks about Bessy and Petra )

Debbie Delday - audience member Orkney